Wednesday 18 April 2007

the new direction

I have decided as part of the new direction to only have robots for the bad guys. The good guys would now be human. I was never sure about having 2 sets of robots as to distinguish between them could be hard work. Adding the human element also opens up new challenges. I developed a technique of producing hair.

Basically its a cyclinder with a bit chopped out. A quarter to be precise, then a spike deformer has been added to produce whacky hair effects not so disimilar from my own. The humans to are simple shapes to fit in with the styling I currently have.

The next few weeks I will be further developing the humans and working out a heirachy of leadership down to troop.


Kathryn said...

"then a spike deformer has been added to produce whacky hair effects not so disimilar from my own"-
I wondered how you did it!

Kathryn said...

They're so cool!!!! I want to take the one with fuzzy grey hair home and give him a big cuddle, awwwwwww.